Selasa, 11 Disember 2012

12.12.12 (:

hye guys... hre nie dh msok 12.12.12
wah nice the date...i very hope..have special for this date...
but i think it is not possible...
hmm nvm ..but i just want my life happy with my family n friend..:) right ?
*wah speaking plk jue...cbe2 jer..
mmg smue org nk hppy dngn psngan dia..
tpe klau psngan wat hal ssh lah...
sbnrnye nk cter psl kak jue(k ina)
dia nk kol pkwe dia..sbb dia dpt kol free...dia kol pnya kol x angkkt..
tpe akhr nye dia angkt..tpe x lme lps tu pkwe dia mati kan..mybe busy kut...
dia nangis..ksian jer jue tngk.. jue x bleh nk wat ape2...
yg jue thu dia kuat..(:
kpda k ina.. 'aku thu ape kau rse...biasa lah tu..kau sabar jer k..aku kan ade..'
so moral of story..


gambar yg pntng... 

masih mencari sesorang (:

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